A Gift card for a cooking class

Learn, enjoy and have fun at a cooking class

Purchase a delightful and fun experience for a family member or friend. You can also buy a gift card for our online cooking courses. The recipient gets to choose their preferred course from our selection.

Gift cards are valid for one year from the purchase date.

Buy your gift card here.

How to buy a gift card:
  1. Select ”Add a participant” under the sign up- section.
  2. Choose the type of gift card: an online cooking course (25€) or an in-person cooking class (70€).
  3. Fill in your contact details (name, email and phone number). The receipt will be sent to your email.
  4. Provide the recipient’s name, email and phone number in the ”More information for organizers” field (for welcome messages and updates).
  5. To purchase multiple gift cards, click ”Add a participant” for each additional gift card.
  6. Complete the payment.
  7. Download the gift card (either for an in-person course or online course). Fill in the details, and print or email it to the recipient.
How to redeem the gift card:
  1. The recipient can browse our course selection in the event calendar and choose a course with availability.
  2. To register, the recipient should send an email to tilaukset.uusimaa@martat.fi. We will then add them to the participant list for the selected course.

Online cooking classes for private groups

Join us for a one-night culinary journey in your own kitchen! Prepare delicious food while learning new skills. An online cooking class is a great way to spend quality time with your colleagues during a remote well-being at work day or remote office Christmas party. Prices start at 30€/person.

Information about online cooking classes

  • Together, we will prepare a delicious menu.
  • One week before the class, the teacher will email you the recipes, shopping list, link to the online platform, and instructions for participation.
  • The class will be organized via Teams or customer’s preferred platform.
  • You can participate with basic kitchen utensils and tools; no special equipment is required.
  • The maximum number of participants is 60 persons.

Online cooking class themes

Tasty trip to Finland

  • Fish Soup 
  • Karelian Pastries with egg & butter spread 
  • Bilberry Rye Pie -” Bilberry Rooster” with vanilla sauce 


  • Antipasti: Crostini con crema di olive – Olive tapenade crostini
  • Secondi: Pollo alla Cacciatora – Tuscan chicken stew  
  • Contorni: Patate al Rosmarino – Roasted potatoes with rosemary
  • Dolci: Cantuccini – Almond cookies 


The price of the online cooking class depends on the number of participants. All prices are subject to a 25,5% VAT (for companies only). If you wish to have a theme outside our normal offerings, we charge an additional 100€ planning fee per class.

2-hour online cooking class (3-4 course menu):

  • Max. 20 participants: 800 € 
  • Max. 30 participants: 1050 € 
  • Max. 40 participants: 1200 € 
  • Max. 50 participants: 1500 € 
  • Max. 60 participants: 1800 € 

NOTE! Online cooking class participants purchase the necessary ingredients themselves beforehand using the provided shopping list.

Arrival at the new premises

Here are the directions to reach the new Uudenmaan Martat premises in Jätkäsaari, located at Välimerentie 14 C, 00220 Helsinki.

Our new kitchens are located in the same facilities as Finlands svenska Martha -association.

The entrance is through stairway C. At the main door, use the doorbell by entering code 142 and pressing the bell icon, and we will open the door for you.

By tram

  • Tram line 9 stops at the Välimerenkatu stop, which is right in front of the entrance

By metro

  • A walk of approximately 650 meters from Ruoholahti metro station

By car 

  • Rokkiparkki parking garage at Välimerenkatu 12
  • Parking is paid via the Easypark app

Saapuminen uusiin tiloihin

Alta löydät ohjeet miten saavut Uudenmaan Marttojen uusiin toimitiloihin Jätkäsaareen osoitteessa Välimerenkatu 14 C, 00220 Helsinki.

Uudet keittiömme sijaitsevat Finlands svenska Marthaförbund -yhdistyksen kanssa samoissa tiloissa.

Sisäänkäynti tapahtuu C-rapusta (Livornonkadun puolelta). Alaovella on ovikello, syötä koodi 142 ja paina kellon kuvaketta, niin avaamme oven.


  • Linja 9, Välimerenkadun pysäkki tuo sinut aivan oven eteen


  • Ruoholahden asemalta kävellen noin 650m


  • Rokkiparkki osoitteessa Välimerenkatu 12
  • Pysäköinti maksetaan Easypark-sovelluksen kautta


Uudenmaan Martat ry:n vuosikokous järjestettiin Espoon Tuultenristissä – Kokouksessa tehtiin henkilövalintoja, käsiteltiin talouden näkymiä sekä Marttajärjestön muutosprosessia.

Piirin uusi kunniajäsen Kokouksessa kutsuttiin piirin kunniajäseneksi aikoinaan pitkään piirin toiminnanjohtajana toiminut aktiivimartta Kaija Kangasniemi (Porkkalanniemen Martat). Piiri kiittää Kaija Kangasniemeä suuresti kaikesta, mitä hän on piirimme ja marttojen eteen vuosien varrella tehnyt!  Lisätiedot Uudenmaan piirin toiminnanjohtaja  Petra Åkerlund, p. 050 586 6699  petra.akerlund@martat.fi