Cooking classes for private groups
We offer onsite and online cooking classes for private groups in English. We have a variety of themes, ranging from Finnish delicacies to diverse ethnic cuisines. Gather your friends or colleagues and come enjoy cooking together!
For more information and class bookings, please email tilaukset.uusimaa@martat.fi
Private cooking classes
- We offer classes from Monday to Friday and on Saturday mornings.
- Our kitchens fit 10-16 participants.
- The kitchens are located in Helsinki. The address is Välimerenkatu 14 C, 00220 Helsinki.
- Each cooking class lasts approximately 4 hours and includes cooking, eating together, and cleaning the kitchen.
- After the class, participants get all the recipes to take home.
- Groups are welcome to bring their own beverages (we provide water, coffee, and tea).
- All the used ingredients are lactose free, and we do our best to take other dietary restrictions into consideration in the courses.
- Indoor shoes are recommended for cooking. We provide aprons for the duration of the class.
Course themes
A Tasty trip to Finland
Treat yourself to a flavorful journey through Finland. This course introduces you to traditional Finnish flavors and some home-cooked dishes that Finns enjoy. The menu is seasonal and features authentic Finnish ingredients.
A typical Korean meal consists of several small dishes seasoned with ginger, soy sauce, sesame seeds, and other lovely flavors. Korean cuisine is known for its bold use of spices, especially compared to neighboring countries like China and Japan. In this cooking class, we will prepare dishes such as bibim guksu noodles, bindaetteok mungbean pancakes and doenjang jjigae tofu stew. Come and fall in love with the flavors of Korea!
Traditional Tuscan cuisine is celebrated worldwide for good reason: the simplicity of the dishes highlights natural flavors of seasonal, high-quality ingredients. Many dishes are based on legumes, vegetables, and herbs, and are served with meats, cheese, and, of course, olive oil. During the class, we will prepare dishes like pappa al pomodoro soup, fresh pasta, and cantuccini biscuits.
Georgian Food
As the saying goes, Georgians live to eat. Georgian cuisine incorporates an abundance of vegetables, spices, herbs, cheeses, and nuts. In this course, we will make dishes such as lobio stew, badrijani aubergine rolls, and hatsapuri bread.
Note: Walnuts are an essential part of Georgian cuisine. A vegetarian option is also available – please inquire!
Spanish Tapas
Tapas are small appetizers often enjoyed in Spain with a group before lunch or dinner—or even as a main meal by setting out an array of different types, as we’ll do in this course! In this class, you will learn to make traditional tapas and enjoy a full tapas spread. Dishes prepared include tortilla española, patatas bravas, and aubergine fries with honey.
Prices and terms
- A daytime cooking class (Monday to Friday starting 9-11.00) 95 €/participant
- Evening and Saturday courses (Monday to Friday, starting 12- 17.00, Saturday courses starting between 10-12) 105 €/participant
- All prices are subject to a 25,5% VAT.
- Our minimum charge applies to 10 participants.
- If you would like a customized theme outside of our existing selection or need to modify a course due to allergies or other dietary restrictions, we charge a 100€ fee.
- An invoice based on the number of participants specified in the order will be sent prior to the course. If additional participants wish to join, their participation will be added to the total amount with a separate invoice.
- Cancellations can be made free of charge up to one month before the event. For cancellations made less than two weeks in advance, a 300€ fee will be charged.
Courses in customers own premises
- Cooking classes can also be held in the customer’s own premises.
- The price is 95-105 €/participant (+25,5% VAT for companies).
- The minimum charge applies to 10 participants.
- Terms are as outlined above.
Hankkeen aikana olemme tehneet monipuolisesti yhteistyötä eri mediatahojen kanssa. Tässä koonti globaalikasvatustyöpajoista tehdyistä kirjoituksista ja videoista.
Kurkistus globaalikasvatustyöpajaan Ylen Puoli seitsemän -lähetyksessä 6.2.2020 (kohdasta 23:00->)
Työpajan matkalla maailmalle (Martat-lehti 2/2020, s. 26-28, Merja Forsman)

Tämä sivu on tuotettu Euroopan unionin rahoitustuella. Tämän sivun sisällöstä vastaa tuensaaja, eikä sen voida missään olosuhteissa katsoa heijastavan Euroopan unionin kantaa.

Viestintä haltuun
Monenlaista toimintaa yhdistyksissä
Uudenmaan Marttojen yhdistyksissä on vilkasta. Olet sitten kulttuurin nälkäinen, nautit yhdessä syömisestä, kaipaat käsityöideoita tai elämyksiä tuttavien kesken. Kaikenlaista toimintaa on tarjolla vapaaehtoisena toimimisesta satunnaiseen kahvitteluun. Jokainen on Martta omalla tavallaan. Tutustu yhdistysten omiin sivuihin ja jäsenetuihin. Yhdessä tehdään enemmän – Tervetuloa mukaan!